Friday, May 31, 2019
George Eliot, Pseudonym of Marian Evans :: George Eliot Writers Authors Essays
George Eliot, Pseudonym of Marian EvansGeorge Eliot, pseudonym of Marian Evans (1819-1880)This article appeared in The Times Literary Supplement and was reprinted inThe Common endorser First Series. Virginia Woolf similarly wrote on George Eliot in the Daily Herald of 9To read George Eliot attentively is to become aware how little one knows about her. It is also to become aware ofthe credulity, not very creditable to ones insight, with which, half consciously and partly maliciously, one hadaccepted the late Victorian indication of a deluded woman who held phantom sway over subjects even more deludedthan herself. At what moment and by what means her spell was broken it is difficult to ascertain. nigh peopleattribute it to the publication of her Life. Perhaps George Meredith, with his phrase about the mercurial littleshowman and the errant woman on the das, gave point and envenom to the arrows of thousands incapable of aimingthem so accurately, but delighted to let fly. She became one of the butts for youth to laugh at, the convenientsymbol of a group of right people who were all(a) guilty of the same idolatry and could be dismissed with the samescorn. Lord Acton had said that she was greater than Dante Herbert Spencer exempted her novels, as if they werenot novels, when he banned all parable from the London Library. She was the pride and paragon of her sex.Moreover, her private record was not more alluring than her public. Asked to describe an afternoon at the Priory,the story-teller always imitated that the memory of those serious sunlight afternoons had come to tickle his sense ofhumour. He had been so much alarmed by the grave lady in her low chair he had been so anxious to say theintelligent thing. Certainly, the talk had been very serious, as a note in the fine clear hand of the great novelist borewitness. It was go out Monday morning, and she accused herself of having spoken without due forethought ofMarivaux when she meant another but not doubt, she said, her listener had already supplied the correction. Still,the memory of talking about Marivaux to George Eliot on a sunshine afternoon was not a romantic memory. It hadfaded with the passage of the years. It had not become picturesque. Indeed, one cannot escape the conviction thatthe long, heavy face with its expression of serious and sullen and almost equine power has stamped itselfdepressingly upon the minds of people who remember George Eliot, so that it looks out upon them from her pages.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Governmental Purpose :: essays research papers
Websters dictionary defines government as authoritative direction or control. However, many believe on that point is a more philosophical approach to the purpose of government. Thomas Jefferson wrote that "The essential principles of our Government...form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. In this he refers to the creation of our democratic nation as a guide through the perils of our past.Government is often thought of as simply the ruling of our nation, but it is much more than that. It has provided us with a nation proud of its commitment to justice and freedom. Although leaders may have the pronouncement to impose penalty and law through their political power, in a democracy the people are allowed to be actively involved in the government. deception Locke defined political power as a right of making laws, with penalties of death, and consequently all less penalties for the regulating and pr eserving of property, and of employing the force of the community in the carrying into action of such laws, and in the defense of the commonwealth from foreign injury, and all this only for the public good. Political power is most often only deemed to be in the interest of the citizens, such as in countries like China, where government officials claim to know what the people want however, may not make decisions according to their will. The more preferable form of democracy is a representative one, in which the politicians compete for votes in organized elections. Yet, in any commonwealth the want is a primordial power that works for the people.When government is applied in a positive sense, justice is served and democracy is in its purest form. It is the goal of government to lead our country in a fashion that does not provide a monopoly of power or authority to any single group or individual. John Locke believed in A stateof equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is rec iprocal, no one having more than another.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Walden - The American Economy :: Thoreau Walden Essays
Walden - The American Economy     When the American people think of the word economy money and the government often come to mind.  In Greek Eco subject matter the household and Nomy means to manage something.  So why do Americans tend to think of money and ownership when they think of the word "Economy?" Are Americans mearly donjon a career or are they living some other narrowly focused routine?  Is a worthwhile lifestyle being lived?  In Walden by Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau describes what is wrong with the American culture and society and how solitude can make the human pure.     Thoreau sets out to build a house in the woods to try and demonstrate that every person can live a simple life.  When he begins his anticipate at Walden Pond he totally has an ax that he has borrowed.  His house is built and he moves in on July 4, 1845 (420)..  He becomes very familiar with nature and his surroundings and less familiar with the humane society.  According to Moss, "He views the ponds as pure, sacred wells and as places for spirtual renewal" (421).  He feels that the soal needs to be cleansed in order to discover the real center of life and be able to enjoy it.  Too many people are content with the surface of life and merely following tradition.  Thoreau wants people to mind deeper into nature.     Throughout Throreaus stay at Walden Pond, he encourages America to take a deeper look at life.  Thoreau begins his essay with an explanation of exactly why he went to stay at Walen Pond.  Joyce Moss writes, "He went out to live in the wilderness by himself- to demonstrate that it is possible to
Eriksons Psychosocial Theory :: Psychology Sociology Erikson Essays
Eriksons Psycho kindly Theory Erik Erikson is possibly the best known of Sigmund Freuds many followers. Hegrew up in Europe and spent his young adult life under the direction of Freud. In 1933when Hitler rose to power in Germany, Erikson emigrated to the United States andbegan teaching at Harvard University. His clinical work and studies were based onchildren, college students, victims of combat fatigue during World War two, civilrights workers, and American Indians. It was these studies which led Erikson tobelieve that Freud misjudged some each(prenominal) important(predicate) dimensions of world development. Throughout this es allege, Eriksons psychosocial model will be explored,discussed and evaluated interms of its concepts, theories and assumptions. Thetheoretical underpinning will be discussed with reference to the nature versus nurturedebate and also the tenacity versus discontinuity argument. It will then be shownhow Erikson has influenced the way psychologists view t he importance of identityduring adolescents. Firstly, however, Eriksons work will be put alongside that ofFreuds to puddle an understanding of the basis from which it came. Eriksons psychosocial model was heavily influenced by Freud, and shares anumber of central ideas. For example, both Freud and Erikson agree that everyindividual is born with a number of basic instincts, that development occurs throughstages, and that the order of these stages is influenced by biological maturation(Sigelman, and Shaffer 1992). Erikson also believes, as did Freud, that personality hasthree components the id, the ego, and the superego. Therefore it is fair to say thatErikson is a psychoanalytic theorist. However, Erikson does argue that social and cultural influences have a criticalrole in shaping human development, and less significance should be placed on the roleof sexual urges. Freud did note however, that social agents such as parents should beregarded as important, but it is Erikson w ho highlights the forces within a muchbroader social environment, including peers, teachers and schools which are highlyimportant according to Erikson. Erikson, then, moves more towards the nurture sideof the nature - nurture debate than did Freud, viewing nurture as equally important indevelopment. This nurture outlook highlights the emphasis on environmental forceswithin Eriksons model. Experiences in life, changes achieved through learning, theinfluence of methods of child rearing, societal changes and culture all have anexceptionally important role on human development according to Erickson. In addition, Eriksons theory encompasses the whole of the human life-span,outlining the stages that occur, which will be looked at more closely later on.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Sex and Relationships Essay -- Literary Analysis, Brave New World
Both Brave New World and 1984 incorporate the themes of sex and relationships. However, the way they are sensed in twain novels is quite different. The main dichotomies occur in the function of sex for reproduction, in relationships, and in the concept of a family. However, what is surprising that although the two books put forward be considered diametric whollyy opposite to each other, they seem to agree on the aversion to the human emotions that develop in a relationship and those that develop from inner intercourse respectively. In Brave New World, sex is completely separate from reproduction. Babies are mass-produced in Hatcheries such as the Central London Hatchery and learn Centre and most are made freemartins consequently, it is not physically possible to conventionally reproduce. The females who are not rendered sterile are obliged to wear Malthusian belts to avoid any pregnancies. In fact, giving birth is considered exceptionally humiliating and d egrading, not to mention blasphemous. This is best seen in Lindas extreme reluctance to pass by to the World State (specifically London) after giving birth to John. Instead, sex is considered as more of a social activity than as a means of reproduction. In contrast, sex in 1984 is used only for reproduction. The Party fears that the sex instinct (which is born out of mutual love between two people) will keep up a deleterious effect on the energy and zeal required to support Big Brother and the Partys propaganda. Thus, it is diligently bottled up and reborn into love for the Party and Big Brother. Also, sexual intercourse is looked on as a slightly disgusting operation, like an enema (Orwell 57) because the Party views it as a hindranc... happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot? (Orwell 111). This could potentially lead to a rebellion and thus the Pa rty could be overthrown. This is exactly what it wants to prevent, so it takes great pains to lose weight the emotions that could develop by having sex by abolishing sex altogether. Therefore, the themes of sex and relationships have been twisted and marred to such a degree that their meanings have fundamentally changed. For both Brave New World and 1984 respectively, the function of sex has been altered to suit the needs of the totalitarian government, relationships have become a mere shadow of what they were in the past, and the idea of a family has been tarnished. Consequently, they are quite significant themes in both books.
Sex and Relationships Essay -- Literary Analysis, Brave New World
Both homophile(a) New domain and 1984 incorporate the themes of raise and relationships. However, the way they are perceived in both novels is kind of different. The main dichotomies occur in the function of sex for reproduction, in relationships, and in the concept of a family. However, what is surprising that although the two books can be considered diametrically gelid to each other, they seem to agree on the aversion to the human emotions that develop in a relationship and those that develop from sexual intercourse respectively. In Brave New World, sex is completely separate from reproduction. Babies are mass-produced in Hatcheries such as the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre and most are made freemartins consequently, it is not physically possible to conventionally reproduce. The females who are not rendered sterile are obliged to wear Malthusian belts to avoid any pregnancies. In fact, giving birth is considered exceptionally humiliat ing and degrading, not to mention blasphemous. This is best seen in Lindas extreme reluctance to return to the World State (specifically London) after giving birth to John. Instead, sex is considered as more of a social activity than as a means of reproduction. In contrast, sex in 1984 is apply only for reproduction. The Party fears that the sex instinct (which is born out of mutual love between two people) will have a deleterious put on the energy and zeal required to support immense Bdecompositionher and the Partys propaganda. Thus, it is diligently bottled up and converted into love for the Party and Big Brother. Also, sexual intercourse is looked on as a slightly disgusting operation, like an enema (Orwell 57) because the Party views it as a hindranc... happy at heart yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate and all the rest of their bloody rot? (Orwell 111). This could potentially lead to a re bellion and thus the Party could be overthrown. This is exactly what it wants to prevent, so it takes great pains to repress the emotions that could develop by having sex by abolishing sex altogether. Therefore, the themes of sex and relationships have been twisted and marred to such a degree that their meanings have fundamentally changed. For both Brave New World and 1984 respectively, the function of sex has been altered to suit the needs of the totalitarian government, relationships have become a mere shadow of what they were in the past, and the idea of a family has been tarnished. Consequently, they are quite significant themes in both books.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Downloading music Essay
* Does the growing popularity of downloading music from the Internet give rise to a new music industry value kitchen range that differs considerably from the traditionalistic value chain? Explain why or why not. I think it might have an effect in the traditional value chain for the fact that nowadays it is very normal to download music from the internet illegally and legally. Due to this fact the sales in albums in the music industry have decreased. People prefer to download music rather than buy the CD because is more economic and they save money. For the reasons I mentioned sooner I think the traditional value chain might change. It is harder for artists to sell CDs and they obtain more profit from the concerts performance.* What approachs are disaster off of the traditional value chain or by passed when online music retailers (Apple, Sony, Microsoft, Musicmatch, Napster, Cdigix, and others) sell songs directly to online buyers? (Note In 2005, online music stores were selling download-only titles for $0.79 to $0.99 per song and $9.99 for most albums). The wrong to buy a song on the internet is cheap, so several costs are cut out of the traditional value chain.Retailers at the bit of sell songs directly on the internet do not have to take into account costs like record company direct output costs, pressing of CD and packaging, distribution of the CD, stock of CDs. That is why the final price to consumer online is cheap. The problem is when the people download music from internet programs like Ares, stark music video, Lime wire, among others. In that case the artist is not receiving any gain and thats the situation that affects the music industry.* What costs would be cut out of the traditional value chain (or bypassed) in the event that recording studios sell downloadable files of artists recordings directly to online buyers? I think in this event would be very correspondent to an electronic commerce business. All the benefits from e commerce would be applied here. The main cost that would be cut out is the stock as I said before because there would not be a physic place to keep the CDs. Also there would be a decline of costs in the sales department for the fact that the consumer might choose any song that he wants without going to a store.In the other turn over generally in the e-commerce consumers must pay a cost of delivery service but in this case there is not a cost like that because the file or song would be downloaded directly. I found these questions very interesting the way in which the technology has changed many industry facts and the make that it has. Nowadays is very easy to obtain the music but, is true that the music industry and the artists do not have the same profits as it utilize to be long time ago.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Entering True Religion Brand Jeans into Mauritius Essay
In 2002, Jeffrey Lubell founded True morality a brand of premium, vintage-inspired denim. Iconic for its precise fit and frank stitching details, True holiness has grown exp matchlessntially as a company and continues to operate according to its mission statement to make quality, American-made, authentic, timeless, great fitting, 1970s inspired jeans wear, with a trendsetting appeal for todays consumer (True Religion Brand Jeans, 2009). The company currently offers a wide variety of apparel and accessories for men, women, and children, and is one of Americas leading designer denim brands.As the demand for premium denim has switch offn oer the past decade giving rise to companies such as 7 For All Mankind and Paige Premium Denim True Religion has remained victoryful by entering its products into unknown markets. True Religion jeans can be found all over Asia, Europe, and in less-developed countries such as Egypt. It is this global presence that allows the brand to maintain an ed ge over its competitors. Which foreign market should be entered next? While countries such as France and Italy are typical target regions amongst clothing brands, developing countries with a large tourist perseverance could be promising as well.One countrified in particular shows great potential as a new market for True Religion Mauritius. An island located off the southwest coast of Africa, the country offers some of the worlds most stunning beaches, diverse people, a cosmopolitan society, and a easy tourist industry all of which, would be beneficial for launching True Religion Brand Jeans. Officially named The Republic of Mauritius, the political formation of the island is a res publica that has been modeled after the British Parliamentary system. This allows for free elections that take place every five days, and secures a separation of power within the government.Its legal system is primarily based on the civil law system of France, as well as English common law (Governmen t of Mauritius, 2009). The governments adult presence in the Mauritian economy has proved to be extremely effective and beneficial to the country and its people. Several acts have been put into effect to turn the islands economy and build upon sectors that are currently successful, while striving to become a modern society with a high standard of living. The success of the countrys political and legal systems are further illustrated by Mauritius having a current real growth rate of 5. %, and being voted as the best-governed country in all of Africa (Government of Mauritius, 2009).Although developing countries may be perceived as a risky business investment, Mauritius economic growth and development through the years have proven otherwise. As the official government website of Mauritius states, An attractive blend of advantages is offered to international investors. These include political stability, pleasant and peaceful living conditions, efficient telecommunications, crime synd icate of qualified professionals conversant in English and French (Government of Mauritius, 2009).Mauritius has an ultimate goal of modernizing its society this includes modernizing its retail industry. Introducing True Religion jeans to the country provides the company with an untapped vision and would give True Religion a competitive edge against other premium denim brands. There are many opportunities that developing nations such as Mauritius offer. With a society that wishes to be worldly and up-to-date as well as a tourist industry that brings in people from all over the globe, Mauritius can offer True Religion Jeans an entirely new group of potential consumers, in a new and exciting location.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Procedure Guide to Access Control Essay
Explain the need for designing procedures for simple tasks such as creating or modifying access controlsAccess controls is an important part of surety in any business setting. This insures the protection of sensitive materials from being access from unauthorized hirers as well as keeping in-house materials in-house and not distributed to unauthorized personnel. o When setting procedures up for creating or modifying access controls you have to take in account the type of personnel that will be implementing the procedures. You may have to use simplified methods to allow the users easy access to correct, add or delete information. At the same time the procedure need to be complex bountiful that unauthorized users cannot get in and change information on their own. Proper procedures insure that a system is not compromised or destroyed based on a simple mistake or miss management of access.List the steps to satisfy each of the requirements in the assignments instructions1.Status or sett ing front to change Start menu, Right click computer, select manage This will allow you to see what is currently in nursing home and also bring you to the place you need to be in order to make any changes2.Reason For ChangeThe reason for change could be as simple as a sunrise(prenominal) user needs to be added to a particular grouping to allow them access to certain information so that they are able to do their frolic3.Change to implementStart, Admin. Tools, Active direct. Users and computers, right click users, add user, follow prompts to add user, right click group, click add users, follow prompts to add user to group4.Scope of the changeLog bug out of admin. Log into user , test access of group information and add and change capabilities5.Impact of changeImpact of change all adds access or denies access but over impact is no change.6.Status or setting after the change You back through the same appearance you access information as the admin and check the information you entered.7.Process to evaluate the changeAgain you can view through admin. Or you can log out and view by goingthrought the users credentials to check and make sure that access and denies was implemented correctly.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Review of Related Literature on the Effect of Acid Using Vinegar as a Model on Mortality Rate of Freshwater Guppy Fishes Essay
Republic Act No. 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 is an Act providing for a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes. In Section 2 of this Act, it states that the State shall pursue a policy of economic growth in a manner consistent with the protection, preservation and revival of the quality of our fresh, brackish and marine waters.The State wants to manage and reduce the population of water resources of the country by promoting environmental strategies and use of appropriate economic instruments. The State recognizes that water quality is in the same level of concern of the quality of life. This Act also wants to labor commercial and industrial processes and products that will not harm the environment, which includes the living organisms in different ecosystems.Related LiteratureAccording to the special report, Acid Precipitation of constituent Likens from Cornell University during 1976, the acidity of rain and snow falling on parts of the U.S. and Eur ope has been risingfor reasons that are still not entirely clear and with consequences that have to that extent to be well evaluated. Acid precipitation has a long-term effect especially on the living organisms in many lakes and streams which sometimes motilitys extinction.Related StudiesOn the study of Schindler during 1988, Effects of Acid Rain on Freshwater Ecosystems, it was stated that there is an increase in number of areas most likely to be unnatural by acid. The study presented the biological damage caused by the acid rain, which includes the disappearance mostly of small fishes that are considered as food for larger predators which might cause these predators to starve and might result for another disappearance of fishes.Justification of StudyArticles and past studies show that acid rain has a negative effect on living organisms from different ecosystems including freshwater. It was also mentioned in the study of Schindler in 1988 that the small fishes are most bear upo n by the acidity of their environment. This study wants to know how affected these small fishes are thus, determining the mortality rate of guppies in environments with different levels of acidity
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Different parts of the oriental world
Different parts of the oriental world piss been mentioned as the probable locality of the first behavior of the afflict or pestilence k flatn as the black cobblers last, but its origin is most generally referred to China, where, at all events, it raged violently ab stunned 1333, when it was attended at its outbreak by terrestrial and atmospheric phenomena of a destructive character, such as are said to have attended the first demeanor of Asiatic cholera and other ranch and deadly diseases from which it has been conjectured that through these convulsions deleterious foreign substances may have been projected into the asynchronous transfer mode.But while for centuries the nature and causes of the black death have been subjects of medical inquiry in all countries, it remained for our own time to discover a more(prenominal) scientific explanation than those previously advanced. The malady is now identified by pathologists with the bubonic plague, which at intervals still afflicts India and other oriental lands, and has in recent years been a cause of apprehension at more than one American seaport. It is called bubonic from the Greek boubon (groin) because it attacks the lymphatic glands of the groins, armpits, neck, and other parts of the body.Among its leading symptoms are headache, fever, vertigo, vomiting, prostration, etc. , with dark purple muscae volitantes or a mottled appearance upon the skin. Death in severe cases usually occurs within forty-eight hours. Bacteriologists are now generally agreed that the disorder is ascribable to a bacillus identified by investigators both in India and in western countries. The first historic appearance of the black death in europium was at Constantinople, A. D. 543. But far more widespread and terrible were its ravages in the fourteenth century, when they were almost world-wide. Of the dreadful visitation in Europe then, we are flushed to have the striking account of Dr. Hecker, which follows.The name black d eath was given to the disease in the more northern parts of Europe from the dark spots on the skin above mentioned while in Italy it was called la mortalega grande (the great mortality). From Italy came almost the only credible accounts of the manner of living, and of the ruin caused among the people in their more private life, during the pestilence and the subjoined account of what was seen in Florence is of special interest as being from no less an eye-witness than Boccaccio.Text The nature of the first plague in China is unknown. We have no certain intelligence of the disease until it entered the western countries of Asia. Here it showed itself as the oriental plague with inflammation of the lungs in which form it plausibly also may have begun in China that is to say, as a malady which spreads, more than any other, by contagion a contagion that in ordinary pestilences requires immediate contact, and only under unfavorable circumstances of rare occurrence is communicated by th e mere approach to the sick.The share which this cause had in the spreading of the plague over the whole earth was certainly very great and the opinion that the black death might have been excluded from Western Europe, by tidy regulations, similar to those which are now in use, would have all the support of modern experience, provided it could be proved that this plague had been actually imported from the East or that the oriental plague in general, whenever it appears in Europe, has its origin in Asia or Egypt.Such a proof, however, can by no means be named so as to enforce conviction. The plague was, however, known in Europe before nations were united by the bonds of commerce and social intercourse hence there is ground for supposing that it sprung up spontaneously, in consequence of the rude manner of living and the uncultivated state of the earth influences which peculiarly favor the origin of severe diseases.We need non go back to the earlier centuries, for the fourteenth it self, before it had half expired, was visited by five or six pestilences. If, therefore, we consider the peculiar property of the plague, that in countries which it has once visited it the Great Compromiser for a long time in a milder form, and that the epidemic influences of 1342, when it had appeared for the last time, were particularly favorable to its unperceived continuance, till 1348, we come to the notion that in this eventful year also, the germs of plague existed in Southern Europe, which might be vivified by atmospherical deteriorations. Thus, at least in part, the black plague may have originated in Europe itself.The corruption of the atmosphere came from the East but the disease itself came not upon the wings of the wind, but was only excited and increased by the atmosphere where it had previously existed. This source of the black plague was not, however, the only one for, far more powerful than the excitement of the latent elements of the plague by atmospheric influen ces was the force of the contagion communicated from one people to another, on the great roads, and in the harbors of the Mediterranean.From China, the route of the caravans lay to the north of the Caspian Sea, through Central Asia to Tauris. Here ships were ready to take the produce of the East to Constantinople, the capital of commerce and the medium of connection between Asia, Europe, and Africa. Other caravans went from India to Asia Minor, and touched at the cities south of the Caspian Sea, and lastly from Bagdad, through Arabia to Egypt also the maritime confabulation on the Red Sea, from India to Arabia and Egypt, was not inconsiderable. In all these directions contagion made its way and doubtless Constantinople and the harbors of Asia Minor are to be regarded as the foci of infection hence it radiated to the most distant seaports and islands. To Constantinople the plague had been brought from the northern coast of the Black Sea, after it had depopulated the countries betw een those routes of commerce and appeared as early as 1347, in Cyprus, Sicily, Marseilles, and almost of the seaports of Italy.The remaining islands of the Mediterranean, particularly Sardinia, Corsica, and Majorca, were visited in succession. Foci of contagion existed also in full activity along the whole southern coast of Europe when, in January, 1348, the plague appeared in Avignon, and in other cities in the South of France and North of Italy, as well as in Spain.The precise days of its eruption in the individualist towns are no longer to be ascertained but it was not simultaneous for in Florence the disease appeared in the beginning of April in Cesena, the 1st of June and carry after place was attacked throughout the whole year so that the plague, after it had passed through the whole of France and Germany, where, however, it did not make its ravages until the following year, did not break out till August in England where it advanced so gradually that a period of three month s elapsed before it reached London. The northern kingdoms were attacked by it in 1349 Sweden, indeed, not until November of that year, almost two years after its eruption in Avignon. Poland received the plague in 1349, probably from Germany, if not from the northern countries but in Russia it did not make its appearance until 1351, more than three years after it had broken out in Constantinople.Instead of advancing in a northwesterly direction from Tauris and from the Caspian Sea, it had and so made the great circuit of the Black Sea, by way of Constantinople, Southern and Central Europe, England, the northern kingdoms and Poland, before it reached the Russian territories a phenomenon which has not again occurred with obeisance to more recent pestilences originating in Asia. We have no certain measure by which to estimate the ravages of the black plague. Let us go back for a moment to the fourteenth century.He not only protected the Jews at Avignon, as far as lay in his power, but also issued two bulls in which he declared them innocent, and he admonished all Christians, though without success, to cease from such groundless persecutions. The emperor Charles IV was also favorable to them, and sought to avert their devastation wherever he could but he dared not draw the sword of justice, and even found himself obliged to yield to the selfishness of the Bohemian nobles, who were unwilling to forego so favorable an opportunity of releasing themselves from their Jewish creditors, under favor of an imperial mandate.Duke Albert of Austria burned and pillaged those of his cities which had persecuted the Jews a vain and inhuman proceeding which, moreover, is not give up from the suspicion of covetousness yet he was unable, in his own fortress of Kyberg, to protect some hundreds of Jews, who had been received there, from being barbarously burned by the inhabitants. some(prenominal) other princes and counts, among whom was Ruprecht of the Palatinate, took the Jews under their protection, on the payment of large sums in consequence of which they were called Jew-masters, and were in danger of being attacked by the populace and by their powerful neighbors. These persecuted and treat people except, indeed, where h
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 23~24
Chapter Twenty-threeBeing the Chronicles of Abby NormalThe HuntedApparently I am the Hunted, which, I want to none here, I am alto lasther not qualified for. Here I sit, perched in the rafters (I think these things are rafters) of the Oakland Bay Bridge equal a crippled night bird, waiting for decry to descend on me in the form of an ancient, undead thing, to wrench the very limbs from my delicate clay. So that sucks.Fortunately I bring on round sustenance until my darkened ecclesiastic and Lady rise from their diurnal slumber to kick some(prenominal) fucking ass. I know I should be sweep a pathing bugs and spiders and stuff to facilitate my vampyrism, save as a ve force backarian, I leasent developed the hunting skills, so Ive started with some Gummi Bears I got at the theater. (Supposedly they are make step to the fore of beef pectin or purify of horse hooves or something, so I think they make a good transition to the nosfe barfu diet. And I equal biting hit their tiny full points.)Here, noble above the City well, actu whollyy, were ab surface ten feet above some homeless people who live below the bridge I feel comparable the defender of an ancient tomb, willing to face any attacker to protect my master and mistress, who are wrapped in tarps, lying on the next beam or rafter or whatever.OMFG, there are fucking pigeons everywhere Sorry, integrity clean pooped on my notebook. Never mind. Move along. Im over it. But ewwwwJared has gone to his dads base in the Noe V anyey to get the lawn cart and minivan so we nookie transport my get the hang to safety. He left me his dagger, which Ive only had to brandish at a time, against a woman who wanted to take the tarp from over my Dark Lord. so I used it to scrape off my old nail polish, which was wholly chipped and stuff from doing minion manual labor.So, my masters like met up with us outside the Museum of Modern Art and they were every last(predicate), Are you okay? Did he hurt you? And they were universe all secretive approximately Jared, like he didnt know we were vampyres. And I was all, effective chill, hes assistant minion. So they relaxed.Then photoflood pulls this bronze hand out of his bag and hes all, Abby, do you know what this is?And I was all, Why yes, Lord soaker, because I speak obvious as a second language. Its a bronze hand, correct?So the Countess took the hand from him. Abby, this is whats left of the guinea pig of the vampyre who moody me.So Im all, Begging your pardon and whatnot, Countess, save thats a statue hand.And shes all, Thats what Im give voiceing. Which is not what the fuck she was saying at all.So it turns out that the bronze statue that used to be in the loft was actually the vampyre who turned the Countess, and then the Countess turned the vampyre bombardment, except he was skillful Flood then. So the old vampyre, whose name is Elijah, got all premenstrual syndrome and started fucking with the Countess by leaving de ad bodies all over t have got with evidence pointing toward her, and threatening to kill her minion, who was Flood at the time, and it got completely out of hand, with some cops and the geeks from the Sa a couple of(prenominal)ay blowing up Elijahs yacht and in truth pissing him off, and then the Countess pretending to save Elijah when in fact she was extracting his ancient vampyry secrets, and Flood bronzing them both, but letting the Countess out because she is the cacoethes of his manner and whatnot. So Flood, who is not a mysterious and ancient creature of the night at all, but has been a vampyre like a week extended than I have, took the statue down to the waterfront to drop it in the Bay, so it wouldnt remind the Countess of her testt being torn a solariseder by the yearning for two chousers and stuff. But the sun came up and Flood left the statue on the Embarcadero, and when they went back it was gone, and it turns out that Elijah is loose and he was the crusty vampyre in the yellow tracksuit I saw shaking the abundant cat guy and he is now stalking me to get back at the Countess for being a duplicitous ho.So Jared was all, Fuck. Thats awesome.And I was all, You lied to me.And the Countess was all, Yeah, sunshine, thats why Im telling you this now. Which was completely unnecessary sarcasm on her part.And Jared was like, This is the best Christmas ever.And I was all, Shut up, gay-bait. Ive been betrayed.And the Countess was all, Youll get over it. We have to go gibe if William is okay.And I see now that she was right, but I brooded as we went back to the loft, just to make a point, because I hate it when people take me for granted. When we got to the Countesss block, there was an ambulance there and cops all over the place, so Flood and the Countess hung back and sent me over to get the 411. I could see that the huge cat guy was on a coping stone and they were strapping oxygen on him.And I was all, Let me through, this man is my father.And the E MTs were all, No way.And I was all, Who called you, anyway?And they were like, The guy in the building. A sculptor or something.And then the cat guy was all, Let her through.So they let me through.So I blew by the EMT to the huge cat guy, and I was all, Are you okay?And he was like, Well, my head hurts like hell, and I think my leg is broke.And I was all, Is there anything I can do? Because I was under orders of the Countess to gain information and offer assistance.And he was like, If you could take care of Chet. Hes in the stairwell. Hell be hungry.And I was all, You got it.So then he like pulled the oxygen mask off and had me bend over so he could whisper, and I was all, Yes, Dad, for the EMTs who were watching.And he whispered like, Before they take me forth, could I see your tits.So I kicked him in the ribs. And the EMTs went all byzerk and shit, and told me to get away, but they were totally overreacting, because I had on my red Converse All Stars, which will hardly steady br uise you.So they loaded him into the ambulance, and just as they were conclusion the doors, he reached out his hand, like he was a drowning man reaching for the last spark of his mortality onward the inky waves of death swept him away so I flashed my boobs for him, just a quick lift of my bra and top at the same time, because I dont think we do enough to help the homeless, and I wanted him to die a happy man. And besides, theyre small and I dont get that many requests.So I got Chet out of the stairway of the old loft and was carrying him kid-style when I saw the two cops from before the ones the Countess said helped blow up Elijah so I went up to the Hispano-cop and I was all, So, whats up, cop?And he was all, You need to get home, and you have no business out at this hour, and we should take you to the station and call your parents and blah, blah, blah, threat, threat, disapproval, and fascist dogma all up in your darkly delicious grille. (Im paraphrasing. Although I do have a delicious grille as I had to wear braces for three years when I was a kid, and now my teeth are like my most acceptable feature. I hope my fangs come in straight.)And the big gay cop was all, What are you doing here?And I was all, I live here, bone-smoker, what are you doing here? Arent you guys homicide cops?And he was all, Lets see some ID blah, blah, bluster, bluster, Oh My God I am so full of shit.And I was like, I guess you wouldnt have to deal with this shit if you had properly blowed up that old vampyre when you stole his art collection.So all of a sudden the Hispano-cop and his big gay partner were all, Whaaa ?And Im like, Just so we know where we stand. How long you bitches going to be here?And they were like, Just a half hour or so longer, miss. We need to interview some witnesses and go clean out our boxers where we have just completely shit ourselves. Do you need a ride somewhere? (Again paraphrasing.)So I walked off, while they were calm down stunned, let Chet into t he new loft down the street like it was mine, then ran or so the block and reported to the Countess and Flood. Jared was just staring at them like he was hypnotized or something. I was like, Hey, Boo, to remind him what a tard he was being and Jared snapped out. (Lily and Jared and I watched the To Kill a Mockingbird DVD like six times together and our favorite part is when Scout sees Boo Radley behind the door and goes, Hey, Boo. Its like thanking the universe for sending you a benevolent encumber to help you out, which is how I often feel about Jared.) So I was like, Buy me a coffee. And the Countess and Flood look at each another(prenominal) and wag their heads. No money.So I was like, You guys are so fucking lame. You have piles of cash and you roll with no money. You are no longer the Dark Lord and Lady of me. Which I totally didnt mean, but I was stressed and starting to get a low-on-caffeine headache. But Jared goes, Hey, Boo at me, and hes holding a ten-dollar bill. And I pretended to induce a snag in my fishnets so everyone would quit feeling at me.The Countess said she knew of a Chinese diner off Freemont Street that was decipherable all night on Christmas and we could hang out there until the cops left. Jared and I had cups of coffee and an order of fries, which FYI, taste a dwarfish like shrimp in a Chinese diner. And Flood and the Countess are watching us, looking all sad. So Im like, What? What? What?And the Countess is all, Nothing.Which I know is totally something, because I say it all the time. And I watch her eyes follow Jareds cup as he sips his coffee and Im all, Oh, fucksocks, Countess, cowboy the fuck up, would you? Then I slipped Jareds dagger out of his boot, grabbed his hand, and poked him in the thumb.Id like to say right here that the screaming was totally unnecessary. And whatever the Chinese guy was saying at me from behind the counter was a total overreaction and how does he expect me to understand him when hes talking tha t fast AND in Chinese? Anyway, after I squeezed Jareds thumb into his cup, then a little into my own and gave it to Flood, everyone calmed down, even the Chinese guy after Jared paid him for two more coffees and the meeting of the Immortal SOMA Drama Queens officially came to order.It seemed like we waited forever, and the Countess and Flood wouldnt answer any of my questions about the way of the nosferatu. It was like they had no idea what they were doing. Like last year I took Advanced Foods class (which is like cooking for nerds) after lunch, and so I usually took a nap. Which was fine, because Im not even thrilled about regular foods, so, you know, what do I need with like march on digital HD wi-fi foods and whatnot so I took the course pass-fail and slept. But then, at the end of the semester, my mom springs this trap on me, like Oh, Allison, Ive bought ingredients and you can prepare dinner party for Ronnie and me to show what you learned in your Advanced Foods class. Itl l be fun.You can pretty much bet that anytime Mom uses the phrase itll be fun, she is about to drive a stake in funs heart so that it may never rise again. Which is what happened. Artichokes? Who eats something like that? I thought it was a weapon.So anyway, after ix eternities in the diner, we went back to the loft, where the Countess said she had my Christmas present waiting. When we got to the block, the cops and EMTs were gone and it looked like the coast was clear, but when the Countess opened the security door to the loft, there, sitting on the steps, was the old vampyre, naked.Well, the Countess and Flood jumped about eighteen feet in the air and Im pretty sure I peed a little. Yes, I definitely peed. Jared just started an asthma attack, not the whole attack, just the maiden gasp. He just stopped breathing after that.So Elijah is all, I needed to do some laundry.Let me say right here, if I havent made it clear, that I have seen as many pale, naked old-man parts in the last twenty-four hours to bruise my delicate psyche for a lifetime, so dont be surprised if you someday find me wandering the moors at midnight, a crazed look in my eye, babbling about albino Tater Tots nesting in Brillo pads and being pursued by sagging man ass, because that shit can happen when youve been traumatized.Then Flood threw himself against the door and screamed for us to run as he courageously held the door against our ancient vampyre ancestors assaults. I was beginning to doubt Floods ability to fulfill his duties as my Dark Lord until he stepped up and saved us valorous vampyre hero that he is because I was starting to think he was just a geek with a passing knowledge of poetry.As we ran I could hear Elijah saying, He peed on my tracksuit, as he threw himself against the door, or I guessed he did, because I didnt turn around until we were two blocks away.The Countess was all, Ive got to go back for him. But before she even turned around, my Dark Lord came running around the corner.And he was all, Go, go, go waving at us.And we were all, Where? Where? Where?And then as the Countess threw her weaponry around Flood and started to squeeze the bejeezus out of him, and Jared was all, Gasp, get a inhabit, gasp, her watch started beeping. Then Floods watch was beeping, too. And they were all, Uh-oh.So we had like ten minutes to find someplace dark to inter them, and no one had any money for a hotel, even if we had the time to check in and whatnot. So they ran toward a big construction site under the Bay Bridge. And I was thinking, I do not want to bury my masters in the construction site. What if they got paved? It would totally freak them out to get paved.And the Countess was all, How did you get away?And the vampyre Flood was all, The dryer buzzer went off.And she was all, He let you live because his laundry was done?And Flood goes, Lucky, huh? Totally not out of breath, even with the running.So when we got to the construction site, everything was eith er open or would be when everyone came to work. And the Countess looked up into the rafters or whatever of the bridge and goes, There.So there is where we went. I grabbed some tarps that were application program this generator thing by the construction site and Jared and I climbed up into the rafters with our vampyre sires and helped tuck them in just in time for them to go out.But as it got lighter, and we saw all the homeless people around, Jared and I realized that our masters would not be safe here when all the homeless people who lived under the bridge noticed the tarps and our delicate youth or smelled my Gummi Bears and came after us. So Jared went to get the garden cart, some trash bags and duct tape, and hopefully his stepmoms minivan so we can move our masters to a safer realm.Oh, check it, before the Countess passed into the inky sleep of the undead, I was like, So what did you get me for Christmas?And she was all, Ten thousand dollars.And I was like, I didnt get you guy s anything.And she was like, Thats okay. You are our most special favorite minion and its all good.Which is why I love her and will guard her to the death. Then she like kissed the vampyre Flood and passed out. Im sure their love will span the ages, if Jared and I dont fuck up and fry them during transport.OMG I just remembered, we forgot to feed ChetChapter Twenty-four The Half-Life of American CheeseThe Cheddar Princess of neighborly du Lac was toasted. It wasnt just the bursting into flames that had crispied her up more than somewhat physically, it was that Drews blood tasted like bong water, and she was still a little mentally baked from feeding on him. Shed made the mistake of trying to get the taste out of her mouth with some orange juice and had been rewarded with five minutes of the dry heaves.She brushed at her arms and nifty black flakes of burned skin came away, revealing fresh, unscarred skin below. Drews blood was healing her, but it appeared that the process was goin g to take time and, like life in general, was going to be messy.Maybe a bath.She padded naked into the bathroom, which was done all in slabs of granite and green glass, and ran her bath. While the tub filled, she picked the last few burned tatters of her dress away from her skin and dropped them into the toilet. There was a swath of gray spread across the black tile, the remains of the original owner, and she was tracking him all over the bathroom and bedroom suite, so she stopped to sweep him into the corner with a towel. That had sort of been a surprise (in what was turning out to be a long line of surprises) when her first victim had disintegrated in her arms two nights ago, just as she was getting the hang of blood drinking.Oops.He had been so nice, too. Had picked her up in his Mercedes not two minutes after shed stumbled out of Lashs flatbed building have on nothing but a leather bustier and thigh-high platform boots. It wasnt the first time shed been on the street with her ass hanging out that wasnt what had thrown her. It was waking up feeling like her tits were on fire to see her body rejecting the giant silicone globes she had spent so much money having implanted. Even as she tried to push them back in with her hands, the implants pushed through her skin, opening her up like they were aliens hatching out of her. She screamed as they broke through and rolled to the flooring, then lay there, quivering on the carpet. As she watched, her skin mended, her breasts tightened and lifted, the pain had turned to a tingling, but now she felt a squirming in her face her lips specifically, and she wiped her mouth and came away with two sluglike lines of silicone that had been injected years ago. It was only then, in looking at the grotesque globs of lip filler on her hand, that Blue realized she wasnt puritanical at all. Her palms were baby white. Her arms, her legs she ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. An old familiar unusual looked back at h er the Cheddar Princess of Fond du Lac. She hadnt seen this person since high school the milky-white skin, hair almost white blond, still in the severe cut of the blue call young lady, but looking somewhat like a pageboy cut now. Even the tattoos shed had done in her early days in Vegas were gone.Im alive, she thought. Then And Im going to be alive forever. Then And Im going to need some fucking money.She ran to Lashs bedroom to where shed left her makeup case. It was gone. Her money was goneShe ran out of the apartment and down the steps like she might see a green trail of bills blowing in the wind in the direction her money had escaped, but one time on the street, she headed for the only place she knew, toward the Marina Safeway. She got half a block before the Mercedes pulled up and the electric window rolled down.Hey, you need a ride? Its a little chilly out here for that outfit.His name had been David, and he did something that had to do with moving money around. Whatever it was, it must have paid well. He was wearing a two-thousand-dollar suit and his penthouse apartment on Russian Hill looked out on Golden Gate Bridge and the massive dome at the castle of Fine Arts.Hed given her his coat to wear up in the elevator. It was in the elevator that the hunger had come upon her. Poor David. They hadnt even talked price before shed had him stage set over the green glass vanity in the bathroom, drinking his life away.Oops. The difference, she realized, between what had happened to her and what had happened to David had been the bloody kiss shed taken from Tommy. But for a kiss, she, too, would be a pile of dust. There should be a song like that, she thought. At least shed learned before she took her victims.Now she swept the last of David into the corner, then scraped him up with a piece of cardboard from his shirt drawer and dumped him into the wastebasket. Then she slipped into the tub full of bubbles and began to scrub off her charred skin.She wouldnt be able to stay long. David had been married or had a girlfriend. Blue had found a whole closet full of womens clothes expensive clothes, and the woman would probably be back. Of course, this would make a great base of operations, maybe she could just wait for the wife to return and sweep her into the wastebasket with David.Blue leaned back and closed her eyes, listened to the bubbles popping, the wires humming through the building, the traffic out on the streets, to fishing boats leaving the wharf then a sudden intake of breath from the living room, then another, deeper gasp as the second one found life, then a long man-scream. The dead Animals shed collected were coming back to life.Sit tight, boys, Blue said. Mamas just going to get cleaned up and shake off on a new dress, then well go get you something to eat and pick up my money.She ran a sponge over her arm and smiled. She really could be Snow White now. One dwarf at a time, she thought.Elijah Ben Sapir had roamed the planet for eight hundred and seventeen years. In that time he had seen empires rise and fall, miracles and massacres, ages of ignorance and ages of judgment the full spectrum of mankinds cruelty and kindness. He had seen all manner of freakishness, from the perversions of nature to the perversions of mind, twisted, beautiful, terrifying he thought he had seen it all. But for all of his years, and all the acuity of erudition enabled by his vampire senses, he had never seen a huge shaved cat in a red sweater, and sitting there in his freshly washed yellow tracksuit, still warm from the dryer and smelling of soap and fabric softener, he smiled.Hey, kitty, the old vampire said.The huge cat eyed him suspiciously from across the loft. The cat could sense that he was a predator, just as Elijah could sense that the cat had been prey to a vampire. Kitty treat.Im not going to eat you, kitty. Ive fed rather enough.It was true. Elijah was feeling a little bloated from trying to keep the body count up. Perhaps he should just kill the next few, not feed. But no, the police wouldnt know it was a vampire then, and thered be no joy in terrorizing the fledgling. He just wasnt ready to feed yet. There was soul in the stairwell right now, he could hear her breathing and smell patchouli and clove cigarette odor wafting under the door. Soon enough, he thought.Perhaps well find something for you to eat, hey, kitty?Elijah vaulted off the bar stool and began opening cupboards. In the third one he found pouches of Tender Vittles. He took a bankroll from the cupboard that looked as if it had never been used, dumped in the meatish nuggets, and shook them around.Come, kitty.Chet padded a few steps toward the kitchenette, then stopped. Elijah put the bowl down and stepped away. I understand, kitty. I dont like to eat in front of witnesses either. But sometimes The vampire heard a car pull up outside, a car that hadnt been tuned in a while. He cocked his head and listened as the doors opene d and slammed. Four got out. He heard their steps on the concrete, a female voice, hissing at the other three. In an instant he was at the window looking down, and in spite of himself, he smiled again. There was no vivid life aura around the four down on the sidewalk. No healthy pink glow, no black shadow of death. The visitors below were not human.Vampires. On one hand, an indication of an terrific problem one that just might attract attention that he could ill afford but on the other, exciting in a way that he hadnt felt in a hundred years.Four against one. Oh my, kitty, how ever will I prevail?The old vampire ran his tongue over his fangs. For all the rage, frustration, and discomfort hed endured since choosing the redhead as his fledgling, he was, for the first time in decades, not bored. He was having the time of his very long life.Killing time, kitty, he said, slipping into a pair of Tommys Nikes.Jody awoke to the smell of clove cigarettes and the crunching of Cheese Newts . There was music screeching, too a whiny guy singing about some girl named Ligeia, who apparently he missed a great deal because he was talking about dragging her worm-worn corpse from the earth and caressing her cheek on a cliff above the sea before throwing himself off, with her in his arms. The singer sounded a little down, and like he could have used a throat lozenge.She opened her eyes and was initially blinded until she adjusted to the black light, then she yelped. Jared White Wolf was sitting on the bed about two feet away from her, shoving handfuls of crunchy Cheese Newts into his mouth. There was a brown rat on his shoulder.Hi. Newt crumbs sprayed and fluoresced on the black sheets and clothing.Hi, Jody said, turning her head to avoid the crumbs.This is my room. Do you like it?Jody looked around, for once not really that thrilled with her vampire night-vision abilities. There were disturbing stains glowing on the sheets, and almost everything else in the room was black wi th a patina of vibrant blacklight-enhanced dust or lint there was even lint on the rat.Its swell, she said. Interesting, she thought. She was no longer afraid of gang members and street criminals, and would even throw down with an eight-hundred-year-old vampire if need be, but rodents still sort of gave her the willies. The rats eyes were glowing silver in the black light.This is Lucifer Two. Jared scooped the animal off his shoulder and held him out.Despite an attempt at self-control, Jody climbed backward halfway up the wall, shredding a Marilyn Manson poster with her nails in the process.Lucifer One went on to his dark reward when I tried to dye him black.Sad, Jody said.Yeah. Jared turned the rat and rubbed noses with him. I was hoping we could turn him to nosferatu when you bring Abby and me into the fold.Yeah, sure, thatll happen. Why am I in your room, Jared?It was the only place we could think to bring you. It wasnt safe under the bridge. Abby had to go, so Im in charge.Goo d for you. Wheres Tommy?Under the bed.She would have known that would have heard him breathing if the music wasnt cranked up to coffin-splitting volume.Could you turn the music down a little, please? Kay, Jared said. He tucked Lucifer Two in his pocket and spidered across the bed, getting a little tangled in his black duster, then rolled to the floor and across the room in a commando-under-fire move until he got to the stereo, where he twisted the dial, putting the keening Emo singer out of his misery, or at least shutting him the fuck up.Where are we? Tommys voice from under the bed. It smells like gym socks stuffed with ground-up hippies.Were in Jareds room, Jody said. She let a hand drop off the edge of the bed. Tommy took it and she pulled him out. He was still partially wrapped in duct tape and garbage bags.Was I a hostage again?We had to cover you up to keep you from burning in the sun.Well, thanks.Tommy looked at Jody, who shrugged.I was unwrapped when I woke up, she said.Th ats because Abby says youre the Alpha vamp. Do you guys want to play Xbox or watch a DVD? I have The rejoice Special Collectors Edition.Gee, Jody said, that would be great, Jared, but wed better be going.Tommy had already picked up the Xbox controller, but set it down with marked disapproval, as if hed notice a little botulism there on the trigger button.Oh, you cant go until the rents go to bed. Jared giggled, high and girlish. The door is right by where they watch TV.Well go out a window, Jody said.Jared giggled again, then snorted a little, then started to honk, then took a hit from the inhaler that hung around his neck before he went on. Theres no window. This basement is totally windowless. Like weve been walled up in here with our own grotesque despair. Isnt it sweet?We could go to mist, Tommy said. Go out under the door.That would be so cool, Jared said, but my dad put rubber gaskets around the door to contain my disgusting Goth stench. Thats what he calls it my disgusting G oth stench. Although I dont think Im really Goth, more like death punk. He just doesnt like cloves. Or pot. Or patchouli. Or gay people.Philistine, Tommy said.Oh, would you guys like some Cheese Newts? Jared picked the box up off the floor and held it out. I can open a vein on them if you need me to. He waved the thumb Abby had stabbed to prepare their coffee the night before, now wrapped in a ragged crackpot of gauze and medical tape the size of a racquetball.Im good, Tommy said.Jody nodded in agreement although she would love a cup of coffee, she didnt think she should ask the kid to stab himself quite so soon.She checked her watch. What time do your parents go to bed?Oh, around ten. Youll have plenty of time to stalk the night and whatnot. Would you like to wash up or something? Theres a bathroom down here. And a washing machine. My room was the wine cellar, then my dad crashed his car and started twelve-stepping, so I got this sweet room for my own. Abby says its dank and disgu sting and she says it like its a bad thing I think its just her perky side manifesting. I love her, but she really can be perky sometimes dont tell her I said so.Jody shook her head, then nudged Tommy, who shook his head in agreement. We wont tell. The kid was sort of enceinte her the creeps. She thought she might have lost that ability with blood drinking and the sleep of the undead and all, but nope, she was getting completely creeped out.Jared, when is Abby coming back?Oh, she should be here any minute. She went to your loft to feed the cat.She went to our loft? The loft where Elijah was?No, its okay. She went during daylight so he couldnt hurt her.Its not daylight anymore, Jody said.How do you know? Jared said No windows, duh.Tommy Stooge-smacked his forehead with enough force to render a mortal man unconscious. Because were awake, you fucking moronOh yeah, ha, Jared said. The trilling giggle again. Thats bad, huh?
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Notes on a scandle by Zoe Heller â⬠How is the theme of obsession presented in the book? Essay
Notes on a s massdal, written in the first someone by Barbara Covette, a close friend and colleague of Shebas, is a story more or less Sheba Hart, a pottery teacher at St Georges school, who allows herself to become engaged in an affair with one of her fifteen year old pupils, Steven Connolly, who is one of her few pupils with an interest in her subject and not just disrupting lessons.This story is very more than about obsession, and not that only of Sheba and her l everywhere. In fact a very large proportion of the novel is devoted to showing Barbaras loneliness and obsession with Sheba. It is done in an almost subtle way so that Barbara as the narrator is not aware how clearly she is obsessed, yet we as the audience can trance it. With this the plot becomes almost as much about Barbara as it is about Sheba.From very early on in the novel we can see that Barbara has an obsession with Sheba, and that the obsession is plausibly to get bigger. This can be seen from the very begi nning. The very fact that Barbara notes the exact clothes that Sheba is wearing and comments on them shows she has been paying a spacious amount of attention to Sheba from the very beginning. On the first page of chapter one Barbara secerns that Sheba is a fey person, she makes a point of saying this, which indicates possibly green-eyed monster of Sheba.As we go on into chapter one Barbaras jealousy is becoming more and more apparent, as everybody else is fussing about Sheba, Barbara chooses to stay out of the way, most likely due to her envy of Sheba. Barbara looks in on everybody fussing abut Sheba almost as a fly on the wall would, noting to herself who talks to Sheba and exactly what she does. She does not see herself in the beginning to socialise with her, but yet still seems very interested in her. This shows the beginning of obsession.When in chapter one Elaine reached out to touch Shebas ears, Barbara remarks in her text about not shaving her armpits, and refers to Elain e as Reaching out like a monkey. This shows us that Barbara is irritated by anybody else fussing over Sheba, so she instantly insults them as if to make herself feel batter and more worthy of Shebas attention than them.At the beginning of chapter two Barbara says that she must substantiate maximum accuracy, so therefore starts to put together a time line of Shebas year. This itself seems obsessive. She buys gold stars to stick on at important events. It appears to us that Barbaras life at this stage is revolving around Sheba.On page 32 Barbara writesThroughout the first half of the winter term, I had been building up my confidence to tackle Sheba on the matter of class discipline.This indicates that Barbara is nervous about talking to Sheba for some reason however we are almost certain by this stage in the novel that if it had been another one of the teachers at St George, Barbara would not have had a problem with it.Also on page 32 is the realisation on Barbaras part that Sheba h ad befriended fulfil Hodge. Barbara was very envious of this friendship and begins to take a lot of interest in this friendship. Barbara continuously slags off Sue Hodge and calls her, The most awful prig. This purports an element of obsession is here, as if Barbara was not interested in Sheba then she would not care who she was chumming up with.At the beginning of chapter three, it is do very clear that Barbara was jealous of Shebas friendship with Sue. She writesThe irony of my having agonized over Shebas friendship of fatty Hodge.She used the word agonized which is quite an a strong word, so Barbara was obviously deeply affected by this. She then goes on to sayIf Sheba had made a wiser choice of girlfriend, if she had have chosen me from the start- it is possible that she might have avoided the Connolly imbroglio.We can see here that Barbara desperately wants Sheba as a friend, in an obsessive nature.In the beginning of chapter five, Barbara says that if it makes Sheba happy it makes her happy. This very clearly indicates that Barbara is obsessed with Sheba. On page 83, Barbara contradicts herself, she say that she does not argue with the necessity for age bars, but then goes on to defend Shebas actions. She seems to ring that there is one rule for one person and another for Sheba.When Barbara is invited to Shebas house for dinner she panics very much about the way she is dressed, particularly about the heals thinking she whitethorn be too tarty. She is acting more like she is going on a date then to a friends house for dinner. This shows us that Barbara is very keen to impress Sheba, and doesnt want her to think anything bad of her at all.The first sentence of chapter ten saysBy summer my connection with Sheba was well established.The way she says this is almost like a spy trying to infiltrate the government and not as you would expect somebody to say about their friend, this seems odd and almost stalker like.In chapter thirteen Barbara decides to s tay away from Sheba, and see how long Sheba can stick it. However it turns out to be Barbara who is the one who cant stick it, she becomes rather depressed and confused. Here Barbara is acting more the way a lover would after a blend up than a friend.In Barbaras lunch date with Bangs in chapter thirteen when Barbara realises someone else is interested in Sheba, she instantly tells him about her and Connollys relationship. Barbara may have done this as she doesnt want anyone to come between her and Shebas friendship, and she feels threatened by others in Shebas life.Towards the end of the book Barbara takes great joy in destroying the model of Sheba and Connolly, she begins by destroying the boy though this shows that Barbara is trying to get rid of everything from Shebas life that is not centred on her.All of these things suggest that Barbara is slowly becoming more and more obsessed with Sheba throughout the novel, and that she wants to take everything that is not centred around h er away. She may even have been satisfied that Sheba has lost her family and without delay must depend on Barbara as she is her only remaining friend.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Kierkegaard and Sartre Essay
Existentialism has been a influential philosophy since its inception in the 19th century d adept the twentieth century, especially after World War II. Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish polymath and is regarded by many as The Father of Existentialism. Kierkegaard was interested in subjectivity-the way people relate themselves to truths. He proposed that the truth was dependent on more that just objective facts. The importance, Kierkegaard reasoned, was the way a person relates to these objective facts.Kierkegaards views on the importance of the individual is emphasized in this paper. Kierkegaard values the individual above what he calls the man. The public is antithetical to the individual finding his or her self. The public is the prevailing views and opinions of the group. It is mob mentality. It is the antithesis of reasoned and careful consideration. The most(prenominal) disturbing aspect of the public is how it sublimely tries to substitute an individuals thoughts and feelings w ith those of the publics.Kierkegaard implicates schools and philosophers in the destruction and subversion of the individual creating what he terms as pseudo individuals. Kierkegaard concern is the loss of individual, which he values above all else. The uniqueness of the individual is what gives a community of individuals its strength. Sartre is a giant of 20th century philosophy and is known for his major contri stillions to existentialism and his active commitment to political causes.The Existentialism of Sartre believes that the answers to the Brobdingnagian questions regarding mankind, in all(prenominal) aspect, requires a new theoretical account of thought and consciousness beyond any and every category present in the collective body of cognition. Sartre does not reject science or psychological science as failed intellectual disciplines, but he did believe that any of these disciplines was simply inadequate to explain our populace and the reasons we are here. Sartres Existe ntialism is relevant to diversity because of the monumental task of creating an entirely new framework and a body of knowledge to fill it that is implied by its main tenets.While Existentialism sees the need for strong new categories of thought, it does not reject or even discredit the current framework within which our categories of knowledge presently work. In these conceits, there is no rejection of the, as Sartre views them, inadequate categories of knowledge such as the sciences and philosophy. Sartre leaves the adit open to possibilities and makes no condemnation of the prevailing paradigm (the confidence in science, etc. to be equal to answer the big philosophical questions without the need for a new framework of thought).This encourages new and diverse minds to search some of these radical conceits without fear of ridicule or rejection. It is an open invitation for an open dialogue about an idea that will require the greatest diversity of minds possible if they are to become reality. because that is the only way to debase and create the framework of thought necessary if we are ever to truly understand the human condition. idea that entire new levels of thought are required for answers to deep philosophical questions.Kierkegaard emphasizes the importance of the individual discovering and recognizing their personal identity as a human and considers this quest a moral imperative. Taking this philosophical approach regarding ones individuality translates into a deeper respect for and understanding of other(a) persons. Diversity is not only tolerated, but it becomes a necessary part of every human interaction. This lays a foundation for our everyday contact and associations with other humans that is inherently positive and loving and complements the teachings of Christianity such as unconditional love.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Corporate Finance
1. Which one of the pursual is a means by which servingholders can replace company commission? A. stock options B. promotion C. Sarbanes-Oxley Act D. theatrical performance play E. proxy fight2. Decisions made by financial tutors should primarily focus on increase which one of the following? A. size of the unswerving B. growth enume order of the hard C. gross profit per unit produced D. market hold dear per sh be of outstanding stock E. total sales3. Which one of the following is the financial control that shows the accounting value of a buckrams equity as of a particular date? A. income statement B. creditors statement C. balance sheet D. statement of hard cash flows E. dividend statement4. Which one of the following is the financial statement that summarizes a sures revenue and expenses over a period of time? A. income statement B. balance sheet C. statement of cash flows D. evaluate reconciliation statement E. market value report5. The percentage of the next dolla r you earn that mustiness be nonrecreational in taxes is referred to as the _____ tax rove. A. mean B. residual C. total D. average E. borderline EDCAE6. The cash flow of a firm which is available for distribution to the firms creditors and stockholders is grouseed the A. perating cash flow. B. profits corking spending. C. net working groovy. D. cash flow from assets. E. cash flow to stockholders.7. Canine Supply has sales of $2,200, total assets of $1,400, and a debt-equity proportionality of 0. 3. Its kick the bucket on equity is 15 percent. What is the net income? A. $138. 16 B. $141. 41 C. $152. 09 D. $156. 67 E. $161. 548. bound Wear has current liabilities of $350,000, a quick ratio of 1. 65, inventory turnover of 3. 2, and a current ratio of 2. 9. What is the cost of goods sold? A. $980,000 B. $1,060,000 C. $1,200,000 D. $1,400,000 E. 1,560,0009. The sustainable growth rate of a firm is best described as the A. negligible growth rate accomplishable assuming a 100 percent retention ratio. B. minimum growth rate achievable if the firm maintains a constant equity multiplier. C. maximum growth rate achievable excluding immaterial finance of any kind. D. maximum growth rate achievable excluding any external equity financing temporary hookup maintaining a constant debt-equity ratio. E. maximum growth rate achievable with numberless debt financing.10. The internal growth rate of a firm is best described as the A. inimum growth rate achievable assuming a 100 percent retention ratio. B. minimum growth rate achievable if the firm maintains a constant equity multiplier. C. maximum growth rate achievable excluding external financing of any kind. D. maximum growth rate achievable excluding any external equity financing while maintaining a constant debt-equity ratio. E. maximum growth rate achievable with unlimited debt financing. DEDDC11. What is the present value of $1,100 per year, at a discount rate of 10 percent if the first payment is received 6 age from now and the last payment is received 28 years from now? A. $6,067. 36 B. $6,138. 87 C. $6,333. 33 D. $6,420. 12 E. $6,511. 0812. The current yield is defined as the annual interest on a tie down divided by which one of the following? A. coupon B. face value C. market price D. accost price E. dirty price13. Currently, the bond market requires a go across of 11. 6 percent on the 10-year bonds issued by Winston Industries. The 11. 6 percent is referred to as which one of the following? A. coupon rate B. face rate C. call rate D. yield to maturity E. interest rate14. Big Falls Tours just paid a dividend of $1. 55 per sh atomic number 18.The dividends argon expected to grow at 30 percent for the next 8 years and accordingly level off to a 7 percent growth rate indefinitely. What is the price of this stock right away given a required return of 15 percent? A. $67. 54 B. $69. 90 C. $72. 47 D. $77. 67 E. $78. 1915. Hardwoods, Inc. is a mature manufacturing firm. The company just paid a $10 dividend, but management expects to overthrow the payout by 9 percent each year, indefinitely. How much are you leading to pay today per share to buy this stock if you require a 15 percent rate of return? A. $34. 79 B. $37. 92 C. $38. 27 D. $41. 33 E. $42. 09 ACDDBCorporate FinanceConsider a project to produce solar water supply heaters. It requires a $10 one thousand thousand investment and offers a level afterwards-tax cash flow of $1. 75 million per year for 10 years. The opportunity cost of superior is 12 percent, which reflects the projects business risk. Suppose the project is financed with $5 million of debt and $5 million of equity. The interest rate is 8 percent and the marginal tax rate is 35 percent. The debt will be paid off in equal annual installments over the projects 10-year life. A) suppose APV.APV = NPV + PV of debt tax shield NPV = PV of cash flows sign investment Initial Investment 10,000,000 Cash flows 1,750,000 Period 10 years Discounti ng rate12% PV of cash flows 9,887,890 using the PV function NPV (112,110) We now calculate the PV of debt tax shield Year Debt great at Start of Year InterestInterest Tax ShieldsPresent Value of Tax Shields 1 5,000,000 400,000 140,000 129,630 2 4,500,000 360,000 126,000 108,025 3 4,000,000 320,000 112,000 88,909 4 3,500,000 280,000 98,000 72,033 3,000,000 240,000 84,000 57,169 6 2,500,000 200,000 70,000 44,112 7 2,000,000 160,000 56,000 32,675 8 1,500,000 120,000 42,000 22,691 9 1,000,000 80,000 28,000 14,007 10 500,000 40,000 14,000 6,485 Total 2,200,000 770,000 575,736 NPV (112,110) PV of debt tax shield 575,736 APV 463,626 B) How does APV change if the firm incurs issue costs of $400,000 to raise the $5 million of required equity? With flotation cost , APV = NPV + PV of debt tax shield flotation cost Flotation cost 400,000 APV 63,626Corporate FinanceThere is nothing akin optimum capital social structure for a firm. The optimal capital letter structure is that capital Struc ture at which the weighted Average cost of capital (Ko) is Minimum. It is that combination of Equity and Debt at which the total cost of capital is mini-mum. Trade-off theory argues that at that places an optimal amount of debt of each firm. At this level of debt, firms can take the just close advantage of debts. Debts can be tax shield so that they can save money for firms to reinvest in other projects so as to earn more(prenominal) profits.However, debts can be quite endangermentous because extremely leveraged firms may face bankruptcy and financial distress costs (no matter theyre direct or indirect) may increase the cost of debt of the company. Therefore, there must be a level of debt that make the benefits of debt and potential danger of debt offset each other. In another word, the marginal revenue of debt equals the marginal cost of debt. But remember, the substantive subjects are not as easy as we put here.When a firm procures cash from investors or owners, there wi ll be an explicit or implicit promise to pay return to them. The return is paid in terms of interest which is compulsory paid to all investors and owners, but the return paid to owners in the form of dividends is optional. The dividend decision by any firm, like the investment and financing decisions is also taken for maximization of market price of the share.The term dividend refers to that the portion of profit (after tax) which is distributed among own-ers/shareholders of the firm and the profit which is not distributed is called as retained earnings Dividend Payout Ratio is determined by the dividend policy adopted by the company, and it is im-plemented to decide more or less the percentage of profits to be distributed by the firm to its own-ers/shareholders. Dividend is always depends on the total profit that a firm acquired after taxes. There are a few factors that affect the Dividend policy of a company.They are Liquidity , Growth Plans and Control Dividend Payout Ratio is also called as DP Ratio which is a mathematical value as DP Ratio = Dividend paid to the Shareholders / Net Profit after tax. Capital geomorphologic Theories Capital structural theories are designed with a concept of valuation of the firm it is the earnings of the firm and the investments made by the firm. Capital Structural Theories also used to engender the dividend pay-out for its owners/shareholders. make up of the capital, investment and return on investment (ROI) are a part of dividend policy.The relationship between leverage cost of capital and the value of the firm can be analysed in different ways. Factors determining Capital Structure are minimization of risk, control, flexibility and the profitability of the firm. A firms capital structure is a combination of the firms liabilities (debts) and the assets (equity and profits). For Example A firm with 100 billion as capital structure has 40 billion from equity (shareholders and owners) and the 60 million as debt (Loans an d Funding), then the firm is said to be 40% equity fi-nanced and 60% debt financed. . tralatitious Theories Net Operating Income (NOI) approach is just an opposite of NI approach. According to the NOI ap-proach, the market value of the firm depends upon the net operating income or profit and the overall cost of capital. NOI approach is based on the product line that the market values the firm as a whole for a given risk complexion. Thus, for a given value of the firm remain the same irrespective of the capital composition and instead on the overall cost of capital.Mathematically Net Operating Income (NOI) is Value of the Firm = Earnings before Tax / Cost of Equity Capital Net Operating Income approach governs that an increase in debt proportion of the capital get-go will always result in increase of the equity proportion of the firm. Modigliani-Miller Model Modigliani-Miller model which was presented in the year of 1958 on the relationship of leverage, cost of capital and the value of the firm. This is widely used capital structure method to analyze the value of the firm.They have shown that the financial leverage doesnt matter and the cost of capital and the value of the firm are independent of the capital structure. Modigliani-Miller methods show that there is nothing which may be called as Optimal Capital Structure to get high valuation of the firm. Modigliani-Miller model is based on following self-confidences 1. The capital markets are perfect and complete information is available to all the investors free of cost. The implication of this assumption is that investors can borrow and lend funds at the same rate and can move readily from one security to another, 2.Securities are infinitely divisible Investors are rational and well informed about the risk-return of all the securities. Modigliani-Miller model says that the total value of the firm is equal to the capitalized value of the operating earnings of the firm. The capitalization is to be made at a rate appropriate to the risk class of the firm. Growth Plans, are involved in capital structural theories in which a certain amount will be allocated for the growth plans. A finance manager should draw a plan according for the dividend policy.For Example The firm has $10 million as equity capital and $6 million as debt capital and the firm made a profit (after tax) of $2 million, and the fund allocated to the growth plan was $1 million. For suppose there are 10,000 shareholders in the company and as per capital structural theories some amount will be allocated for the liquidity that is five hundred thousand and the remaining amount should be distributed as Dividends. In this case each shareholder or the owner will receive $50 as dividend.Capital structural theories say that if a firm is in profit and it is looking to expand the business, the profit can be furled over to the investment option. In this case there will be no dividends or bonuses issued to the shareholders or the owners. For Example Low-payout consequences, which is done when the cash gets accumulated the finan-cial manager may be tempted to take on more projects that do dont meet the minimum rate of return investments. If a firm has $1 million as operating income with 1000 shareholders and firms adopts to take new projects with the profit.Then this may cause unrelated relationship balances between the share-holders and the management of the firm. Optimal Capital Structure Even though Modigliani-Miller Model says that there is nothing like Opti-mal Capital Structure, but the non-traditional methods say that a firm can attain profits only by im-plementing Optimal Capital Structure. Some firms adopt this capital structure to minimize the risk, flexibility on the investments and the profitability.The finance manager should be able to identify that optimal point (profit point) for the firm precisely, but not to attempt to steer the optimal range for the capital structure. Optimal Capital Struc ture differs from different firms, Existing Firm and a New Firm. For Example Existing Firm may require additional capital funds for get together the requirements of growth, expansion, and diversification or even for working capital management. The decision for a particular source of funds is to be taken in the totality of capital structure, i. e. n the light of the re-sultant capital structure after the proposed issue of capital or debt. The Capital Structure of the new firm is designed in the initial stages of the firm and the financial manager has to take care if many considerations, the present capital structure be designed in the light of a future target capital structure. Future plans, growth and diversifications strategies should be considered and factored in the analysis, so optimal capital structure greatly influences the divi-dend policy of any firm, depending upon there capital structure.Broadly speaking the dividend policy can be determined by two basic analyses required to find the valuation of the proposed capital structure of the firm, i. e. one from the point of view of profitability and another from view of liquidity. Capital structure will always determine the profits of the firm and the development of the firm. Equity and Debt capital are well managed by the capital structure of the firm. A well designed capital structure will have a very good impact on the dividend policy of the company.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
How Reading As A Young Child Encouraged Essay
When I was a young boy, plot of land my other friends were busy playing ball, riding bicycles, playing games and doing other forms of leisure, I was always earreach to my contract as she guide comic books to my ears. My mother would always read the interesting comic books to my attentive ears I would sit with my mother on the sofa as she read the comic books to my ears. I grew up from listening to my mother to reading the comic books on my own. My mother always bought me several books to read every week, as soon as I finished reading one book there was always another(prenominal) book to be read.I create interest in several comic books, ranging from Iron Man, Spiderman and the likes. I inculcated the habit of reading right from a very tender age. My early reading habit authentically helped me in living as I developed an undying love for reading and improved greatly on my writing. While growing, I developed from reading comic books to reading more voluminous books, report artic les, magazines, novels etc. Books were packed in the shelves of our house. My friends always called our house a library.Reading was always the only pick to kill boredom. My flare for reading encouraged me to get involved in writing as I discovered that the more I read the better I wrote. I could relate what I read in several books and combine them into writing something better. My reading habit really boosted my diction and I learnt newborn words each day I picked up a book to read. I learnt the rules of language, my grammar was greatly improved. over the years I garnered a lot of experience from reading both fictional and true liveliness history stories.I applied some of the knowledge acquired from reading these books to various aspects of my life. Reading lots of books gave me a molecule on the ways writers wrote, the style of language used and how best to communicate to a particular audience. I am a testimony of the quote that says that A good reader is a good writer. The m ore I read, the more I improved on my reading speed and grasped new ideas on how to write. Reading frequently do me a better reader and a good writer. I developed from reading for fun to reading for the acquisition of knowledge.Books like the Richest man in Babylon, Thinking Big, the tale of deuce cities and many others were already in the long list of books that I turn over read . My whole life was affected positively by my reading habit as I read several motivational books that have been spurring me to achieve greatness in life. Through writing I could now maneuver my thoughts and imaginations into a book or piece of article. The knowledge that I have acquired over time is what has made me the better person I am today.As I now read more, write better, have better grammar and have become a better man. The saying that you are what you read and you are an convention of what you write is definitely true as I have noticed tremendous changes in my life as a result of the past books I have read. I will have to convey my mother for imbibing the culture of reading in me if not for her I would not have been a good writer and would definitely not be what I have been fashioned out to be today.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Chinese Automobile Industry in Egypt Essay
Introduction on that point atomic number 18 many aspects regarding the Chinese rail motorcarmobile industry in Egypt regarding how it mirrors on node merriment, despite common believes China has been producing cars before the Koreans for almost over 50 years. The very graduation Chinese car was a poor copy of what European, Ameri substructure and Japanese manufacturers produce. It wasnt designed with the misgiving of comfort, security nor style it was more manage wheeled boxes made of light steel, with a primitive throttle engine.After 20 years, Chinese automobile industry has fin eithery become one of largest market in automobile market. The major advantage that Chinese cars have is its low pricing comp bed to different cars from western auto giants such as Germany and France, which is a satisfactory advantage to most of the Egyptians. Besides the fact that Chinese cars be of lower legal injurys, there ar separate factors that consumers look for for in a car this in quiry mea indisputables digest Chinese cars meets the nodes digd values of blessedness regarding surgical process and design or not.Foreign car manufacturers whitethorn not think that china would bring in any threat to their automobile industry. However, the great prospective of the Chinese car dissembler cannot be civilisen lightly. It is the time for Chinese companies to support for more future challenges and carry on hold of a bigger share in the global market. Consumers in Egypt are very different some tail end their perceptions regarding intersection points on prior experience, delivering value have a bun in the ovened and/or through overall functioning.Those creates a huge conflict of interests between in the flesh(predicate) perceptions in the Egyptian market where some perceive Chinese cars as a low choice product with a cheap impairment tag, and others perceive them as stinting high fiber vehicles. In 2004 China generated 5 million from car sales, coming threesome after America which generated 17 million and Japan with 5. 9 million. This shows that the Americans and the Japanese are considered to be of a high quality regarding safety, durability, resale price, and comfort which is what most Egyptian customers look for in a car.However, according to David doubting Thomas 1 China is going to become the second-largest market in the world sometime over the next ii or three years, 2 he also said China is developing in very correspondent ways (to the developed markets), but doing it so some(prenominal) quicker, 3 enunciating on the statement so much quicker. 4 notional framework 2. 1) Defining Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is an rating of how beloveds and assists provided by an organization to meet or to take place the customers expectation and it may be measured flat by survey and expressed as a percentage.Customer satisfaction is a vague and conceptual, and the evident appearance of the state of satisfaction impart differ from individual to individual and good or dish out to good and service. In a competitive market, where companies compete for customers, customer satisfaction is perceived as a key differentiator and increasingly become a key element of origin strategy at a time days. 2. 1. 1) variables effecting Customer satisfaction is- There are various elements effecting customer satisfaction starting with product quality to after sales services.This requires the organization and even third-party service firms to work as a whole to warrant that the customers are getting what they want and more serving the customer. Customer Satisfaction has put upgrounds in two ideas about quality gap-based view of quality, which has to do with delighting the customers rather than just satisfying them, and conformance to a metre or specification, which has to do with minimize production errors and monitoring the quality of delivery.The best method is to take a section of customers and to try to ask them about their experiences over a certain period of time however, this completely shows the regular view and will oversight any key limits that are definitive from operational view. consciousness the link between consumers information search behavior and customer satisfaction shows a rectify over view of what should be done to meet what the customers want. Findings suggest that the three types of consumer as defined by whether and how they search for information (passive, rational-active, and relational-dependent).5. Each type of customer has a different way of perceiving satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a key element in competitive advantage since that a satisfied customer authority 1- Long-term affinity (repeat sale). 2- Good advertising (word of mouth). 3- Customer loyalty. 4- Obtaining new customers (followers). 5- Increase in market share. The consanguinity marketing is one of the most important tends in the marketing due to the importance of repeat busi ness. family marketing mainly focuses on developing trust and loyalty between the customer and the supplier.Establishing and maintaining loyal base of customers is a major key to a fast growing organization. Customer satisfaction and attractiveness are linked together. In order to accomplish customer satisfaction accurately some variables should be recognized. There are several factors that are applicable to automobiles by which consumers look for which, product quality, services, engine performance, design, and accessories. On the other hand, most customers are keen to buy a car including all these features with reasonable pricing.However, its exhausting to obtain high quality with low price, as its said, Better price for better quality 6, which indicates that the more the customer collapses, the higher the quality. Another variable hovering over customer satisfaction is customers retention. This aim is achieved when the customer is convinced with the performance of the car bra nd he chose to the point of repurchase. No business can exist without any customers and its important for the business to work closely with the customers to make sure that they are satisfied and their postulate are met.Companies form a close working relation with their clients so customer relation is important. Measuring the customer satisfaction is obviously to measure the quality and the performance of the good or service that the company provides. The objective is to determine how well the good or the service to achieves the target or the need for which it is purchased. Understanding, meeting, and exceeding customer expectations are fundamental in creating customer satisfaction. The customer relationship is a distinctive aspect of the relationship marketing. Through analyzing several articles, weve found a relation between the customer satisfactions, needs and perceived value with the quality and price of the cars characteristics, expectations and the companys relationship valu e. There is a weak relation between all the independent variables, when the customer expectations are not met when buying a car with low prices. Thus, it varies from a cars characteristics to meet the customers needs but still with high or moderate prices, also, there is a bullocky relation between customers perceived value and the companys s relationship value.Where, if the company wants their customers to stay on satisfied, they mustiness do a direct relation with them, for an example, making more events, doing the customers evaluation from time to time, and create a bond between the customer with hisher car, where heshe can appreciate more the price she/he paid, besides, the relationship between the company and the customers can be sometimes deceiving, where the customer can pay no aid to the bad characteristics or quality in hisher, just because of the great relation and its service quality of the company.The customer satisfaction is a very important element to have a favo red business and in order to maintain that companies have to be able to cope with the change in the environment around its business, which has to do with understanding customer preferences. Also expanding the business wont be attainable if you dont have a satisfied customer base and that the company must be customer oriented instead of being manufacturing oriented. In the automobile industry the purchase intentions are moving towards cars which have a low gasoline consumption rate, so the industry must take the buyers behavior in consideration. There are a lot of handle which create and retain customer satisfaction in order to retain customer satisfaction all the products/services offered to the costumers should be matching the customers perceived value. There are also factors that affect customer satisfaction such as the economic performance, for example when the financial crisis occurred, customers started focusing on products and alternatives to brands they used to purchase wi th lower prices.This economic draw back affected sellers attitudes pessimistically which reflected negatively their relationship with the consumers however, there were sellers who were trying to grab customers attention through creating a strong relationship with them. Another point to whap the importance of the customer satisfaction to maintain business excellence, a seller who creates a good relationship with his consumers and offer them more than they expect is always a seller who maintains and sustains his business excellence, because the more the customer is satisfied the more he buys and create a positive word of mouth.2. 2) Defining the product performance Associating between the observed and currant performance of a product, and its predicted use and efficiency has generally been the kn cause definition for customer satisfaction. Lately companies of different fields have learned and understood the importance of such matters due to the fierce competition. Consumers have gro wn to be more sophisticated, more skeptics and are constantly looking for the most efficient, and the most convenient products that would satisfy their needs and wants. 2.2. 1) Variables affecting the cars performance There are several variables that affect the cars performance, beginning with the cars engine performance, which is the main ensure of the car that varies in the gas consumption, how much fuel did the engine burn? Also sometimes customers satisfaction relies on the speed of the car, and how far can it speed up in no time. Moreover, there are several variables that epitomise separately other in a way that the cars quality stands for its stableness, durability, and the safety features.Which are the most important variables that can affect the customers satisfaction that every person is looking for safety that represent the stability and low possibility of any accident accuracy? Furthermore, the design of the car is related to the stability by which, the more aero-dynam ic is the design the less air force that face the front of the car, that lead to a less fuel consumption, more stability, and of course more speed. Finally, the car accessories are sometimes very overpriced that can cause a low customer satisfaction, and lack in buying the car.2. 2. 2) Defining personal experience Experience is being an active participant in an event or an activity which leads to a growth in ones skills or knowledge. Where the customer can perceive a certain product wither its going to meet or exceed his expectations or not, through the interaction with similar products or services. 2. 2. 3) Personal experiences related to the Chinese automobile industry When a consumer purchases any car, a certain image or knowledge goes through his mind.This image and knowledge becomes a standard for the consumer turn comparing his/her car to any other alternative, because this is his/her experience with the product so in order for him/her to know whats best and whats worse h e/she compares the alternatives features to his/her own products features such as performance of the engine, safety features, durability and stability, car quality, fuel consumption, accessories and design of the car. Consumers differ in their way of thinking and the bases behind their decisions, that is why Chinese car manufacturers should put in mind that a consumer who buys their product is driven to this purchase through his/her perception, and because not every consumer has the same perception about Chinese cars, Chinese car manufacturers should build a positive and strong perception with the automobile consumers about their products, as a consumer maybe more interested in the cars safety features rather than the price or cost efficiency and vice versa. 2. 3) factors affecting the overall customer satisfaction through cars performance Chinese automobile manufacturer should consider their image according to the consumers personal experience where the consumer perceive and compar e the coming alternative with their own previous experiences related to the car they owned or would like to buy. In order to meet the customer satisfaction, car makers should provide many researches on the need and wants of the customer by which every customers needs change in a certain period of time. Customers have their own perception in each car brand and its performance, where customers needs vary from one to the other regarding the characteristics they look for in a car, thus car manufacturers provide several models in order to meet each segments needs. As Chinese automobile industry has enlarged its market share all over the world, they should put in mind that consumer will always compare their products in order to make the purchase decision, that can always be affected by the performance of their previous car, where the Chinese automakers should exceed or meet the consumers expectation in order to start a preferable image and reputation especially when it comes to the qual ity and durability of their product as its known as a poor product in these terms particularly compared with their competitors.Conclusion Studies have shown that the relation between product performance and post experience has an effect on the overall satisfaction factors. This study will supercharge more elaborate where the Chinese car manufacturers stand in the Egyptian market regarding all aspects of performance, image, and price. This research will also cross reference the Chinese automobile industry with other automobile industries. This will show if there is any positive or negative relationship between the customer satisfactions versus car performance and previous experience concerning the Chinese automobile industry.
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